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Wooridulschool is
Offering a complimentary education to North Korea defectors who missed the opportunity to have an education.
Most North Korean defectors miss out on the opportunity to have an education because of the long period of time they spend between different nations during the process of defecting from the DPRK.

Principal's greetings
Most North Korean defectors miss out on the opportunity to have an education because of the long period of time they spend between different nations during the process of defecting from the DPRK.
After entering South Korea, they tend to experience hardships in adjusting to typical Korean school life due to their age, language, as well as cultural and emotional differences with their South Korean peers. These differences often result in defectors dropping out of school. In addition, they may experience conflict at home as a result of families long-separated being reunited again after many years. When a teacher has the ability to understand the defector’s specific needs based on their unique experiences, they can offer a more holistic approach to education and help them adapt to a new society. This holistic approach gives defectors the motivation they need to pass GED tests, find part-time jobs, and live a more comfortable and stable life. Our organization is striving around the clock to construct an exemplary model for defectors by conducting education and social adaptation programs. We aim to mentor and educate anyone who is willing to work as part-time or full-time social service workers to serve our students. Even though the defectors are ethnically Korean, they still undergo culture shock and have trouble adapting to the prejudiced society and public institutions in South Korea that affect foreign workers. Even though there are more than 27,000 North Korean defectors living in South Korea, there aren’t many organizations that can understand the difficulties that defectors face and also provide them with the services and protection that they deserve. Our team members will continue to work tirelessly to use our school as a model to actively prepare for a Unified Korea era.